The Pelvic Mesh Poll
If you want to know the impact of mesh, ask the patients! That is exactly what we plan to do. The poll is for those who have a mesh device implanted to treat incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. Doctors of mesh patients can also share this poll. Together, we will learn the true efficacy from a patient perspective.
There are many surgeons and specialists that advocate its use, and many who say that mesh should not be implanted in the human body. Multiple studies have been undertaken to assess its efficacy, however, mesh manufacturers typically fund these studies resulting in conflicts of interest. Consequently, it is difficult to trust the conclusion of these studies.
By filling in the form you are adding your voice.
Advocacy Groups and Associations
There are numerous associations and support groups that provide information on female pelvic health, but many of these are also funded by mesh manufacturers. They push out information on the efficacy of mesh and push the argument that “women need choice”. At The Flower Empowered, we also believe that women need choice, but we do not believe that choice should be at the cost of their health.
If we ask ourselves what choice actually means, you would expect that it would include multiple treatment options, right? Unfortunately, since mesh was pushed onto the market in 1996, many surgeons did not receive training in other surgical options. Pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and surgeons make a greater profit from the use of mesh than from the other “options” so choice in surgery is often limited.
Some groups forbid women to share negative feedback on their experience with mesh labelling it as “mesh bashing”. We believe that your experience with mesh, whether it is positive or negative, is relevant. Your voice actually does matter! Therefore, we have decided to undertake an independent poll to gain a clear picture on the efficacy of mesh pelvic repairs from the patients perspective.
If you’ve had the device implanted to treat incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, please add your voice to this poll. Doctors who have preformed these surgeries, please feel free to share this poll with your patients. We want all of the feedback whether positive or negative. All mesh voices welcome!
Your Voice Counts
As a patient who has undergone surgery including implantation of pelvic mesh, your voice is needed. Whether it has been a huge success or an abysmal failure, we are interested to know your experience. As well as completing this survey, you can share your story in our community. Please note that we ask for the name of the doctor who performed this surgery, however, this is for data validation and will not be used for any other purpose. You can read our privacy policy if you have any concerns.

Not a Mesh Patient? You Can Still Help Us to Expand Our Reach
By sharing this poll with family and friends, you increase its reach. Therefore, sharing becomes your contribution! Your sharing ensures that more patients can contribute. More patients means a larger sample size. The larger our sample size, the more reliable and valid our results. Let’s do this!
Survey Results
Survey results will be posted on our homepage once we have received our first 1000 entries. The graphs on the homepage will be updated in realtime, meaning that as more people complete the poll, the results will automatically update. Please share with friends and family to help us reach our goals as quickly as possible!