Hypopressives and Hip Strengthening on YouTube

Start Your Hip Strengthening and Hypopressive Practice on YouTube

We’ve just launched two new series on our YouTube channel!

One series focuses on hypopressive exercises beginning with some simple exercises on all fours. This hypopressive series will add new poses and increase in difficulty each week. If you decide to follow along, you do not need to move to the next step after one week. Instead, we would encourage you to move forward when you feel you have mastered your current level. This practice is a great compliment for those with pelvic organ prolapse or other pelvic floor dysfunctions.

The other series focuses on hip strengthening exercises. The hips provide lot of support to the pelvic floor and so a good balance of length-tension across the hips can greatly assist when trying to optomize pelvic floor function. The exercises increase in intensity each week eventually working up the strength to perform pistol squats. Like the hypopressive series, we recommend you only progress to the next level once your body has mastered your current level. Listening to your body with any physical practice is  imperative!

As always, we recommend you get approval from your health practitioner or pelvic floor physiotherapist before adding any exercise to your regular practice. Please read our disclaimer you begin.

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